Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Story on Torture:

Survivors of Torture Join Together for Support

May 26, 2009 - People who have been severely traumatized often never fully recover. Orlando Tisum knows that. He is a survivor of torture and he has dedicated his life to helping others like himself.

Alexis Kenyon reports...


Monday, May 25, 2009

Teen Fathers Search for Support

May 08, 2009 - In D.C., the number of teen pregnancies has dropped by 57 percent in the last 10 years. But, as Alexis Kenyon reports, becoming a father is something that many boys don't consider until it's too late...

Teen fathers: file:///Users/alexiskenyon/Desktop/n16090508-26489.asx

this is all i can find now.

So. If you would like to hear any of the work that I am doing, go to this site. I will post when I have a story up. They are only on the website for a weak, but until I figure out how to get them up myself, this is the best way to access them.

I have a story that will be posted on Tuesday May 26th about torture survivors. There will be another later this week.

Speaking with the people at the torture survivors center was an incredible experience. These people are moving in their passion and their perspective. There was so much that I couldn't include. I am thinking about making a longer piece on my own time because they really deserve to be heard (and I have a gold mine of audio clips that will make you cry).

She has a knack for the Sentimental

I’m not sure if we trusted each other,
You in your undeveloped bedroom and me in my misconstrued real world-
And I think this may be why we spoke over each other,
Besides the fact that we thought it was funny.
Now that I think about it, I am not sure where to place
the occasional loving glance and
Fleeting tender feeling .
Besides beneath layers and layers of deciding to not call you
and calling you all the time-
or below layers and layers of just thinking you are kind of cute and pretty funny
And that funny feeling when I thought you might think I’m pretty
Or that you are pretty over me.

And right when I wonder why you haven’t invested anything,
I wonder if you have,


And I wonder if I have.