Monday, May 11, 2009

If we were idealists

Remember when you were in a band
And we thought smoking cigarettes was cool-
Because it was cool.
And the lightening lit up my room so brightly
That I could see it through my closed eyes-
And I laughed as I laid in bed remembering our
matching pea costumes-
I can hear whistling and thunder,
All the way across the country from you
Years and years away from that corner and those green suits.
My basil plant is still alive- sitting at the stormy window-
A first for me. And you are living and happy and I am happy too.


  1. The language in your text is very profound, I see symmetry in ways that words have not been presented to me in the past. Are you a prodigy? I see why you have these feelings, we all have a past, but who is this you speak of? Cigarettes, lightening, green eggs and ham? Nothing makes sense expect for the basil plant, the growing being from nature that sits near the window as a cat would, yearning to escape your open-less windows. Maybe that is why this plant is your first to stay alive, it has no way of escaping your human grasp, but only to embrace you and your happiness.

  2. dude, john. I'm not sure what your comment means... but i know that it is hella deep.
